Post by Solar Designer2. Reverse order of sub-blocks to mitigate Argon team's depth*memory
tradeoff attack (which might be practical at low yet non-negligible
memory reduction factors like 1/2 or 1/3). I would then appreciate
review of the revised algorithm by the Argon and Lyra2 teams, if they
are willing to.
3. Re-introduction of TMTO-resistant pwxform S-box initialization
(dropped between v0 and v1 for simplicity of a potential yescrypt-lite,
while not simplifying the full yescrypt) or/and introduction of S-box
overwrites in BlockMix_pwxform.
Out of the above, after having experimented with various (unpublished)
revisions, I am now leaning towards "introduction of S-box overwrites in
BlockMix_pwxform" only. It may eliminate the need for the rest of the
above. Here's why:
"Reverse order of sub-blocks" sounds easy, but it appears to achieve
quite little (in an attack, storage of just a few sub-blocks per
not-fully-stored block appears sufficient to undo most of the added
recomputation latency) and it results in Integerify() having to be
defined differently than scrypt's (use first vs. last sub-block), so
this complicates the spec (if classic scrypt support is also included).
On top of this, my testing shows slight performance impact from the
reversed order of sub-block writes. Going for scrypt's sub-block
shuffling (which would have allowed to keep Integerify() common) appears
to achieve about as little, but results in a couple of special cases to
specify for when pwxform block size isn't same as Salsa20 block size.
(They are the same with yescrypt's current pwxform defaults, but making
this the only case would lose much of yescrypt's low-level scalability.)
S-box overwrites in BlockMix_pwxform may defeat the same kind of attacks
that sub-block shuffling would try to mitigate. The overwrites would
not directly deal with those attacks - the "pipelining" would still work
just as well - however, having to store or/and recompute (portions of)
the S-boxes may introduce enough extra storage needs or/and extra
latency that the attacks would not be worthwhile overall. Per Dmitry's
analysis, for yescrypt with r=8 (as recommended) only 1/2 and 1/3 memory
reductions were a concern (with 1/4 having a computation penalty of over
1000 times), so a 3x increase in storage and latency product for
mounting those attacks appears sufficient to make them ineffective.
S-box overwrites in BlockMix_pwxform may also eliminate the (potential)
need for "TMTO-resistant pwxform S-box initialization". TMTO resistance
at that level (where an attack would have allowed a GPU-like device with
otherwise too little local memory per instance, like 4 KB instead of
8 KB, to operate reasonably efficiently) may also be achieved through
having the S-box contents gain extra data dependencies early on as the
main SMix1 runs, rather than during S-box initialization.
Also, I realized that current pwxform unnecessarily under-uses the
write port(s) to L1 cache. On typical CPUs, there are two read ports
and one write port to L1 cache, whereas current pwxform does almost
exclusively reads (with the only writes being to the current output
block, as well as implicitly through function calls and occasional
register spilling). I was concerned about write-through L1 caches found
in some CPUs. However, testing on Bulldozer (which has write-through L1
along with a smaller write coalescing cache) shows that sequential
writes are OK (and that random writes are not OK). It does behave
slower than Intel CPUs with write-back L1, but not unacceptably so
(except with random or otherwise non-sequential writes, which I am not
going to use). I was also concerned about that cached data being
written out to memory once in a while, thereby wasting memory bandwidth.
However, even if this is happening, I am not seeing it result in much of
a yescrypt speed reduction (testing on Bulldozer, Sandy Bridge,
Haswell), so probably it isn't happening a lot and/or not at times when
yescrypt demands that bandwidth. It is a typical enough case (working
on some local and some global data simultaneously) that CPUs optimize
it. And yes, this also means that Argon2's 1 KB of temporary state is
probably OK (albeit wasteful since it didn't have to be just temporary,
but could affect next block's computation).
Here's what I am able to fit within +/-10% of yescrypt 0.7.1's
performance (mostly as tested for max threads at 2 MB per independent
instance, but also tested with other memory sizes and single thread):
Option 1: reduce PWXrounds from 6 to 5, but introduce a third S-box
(thus, e.g. 8 KB to 12 KB total) and rapid S-box writes inbetween rounds
(writing to the third S-box, which is inactive for reads at that time,
and then rotating the 3 S-boxes at each sub-block). This means that 12
gather loads (6 rounds times 2 gather loads) are replaced with 10 gather
loads and 4 sequential stores. (Counted in sub-block sized operations.)
The total L1 bandwidth usage increases by a factor of 7/6, and the GPU
local memory attack resistance by a factor of 3/2*5/6 = 5/4 (even
assuming the stores are somehow free, which they are not). Drawbacks
are that multiplication latency hardening decreases to 5/6, and that
GPU(-like) global memory attacks (if the S-boxes would be put in global
memory anyway) might become up to 6/5 times faster (again, assuming the
sequential and perfectly coalesced stores are somehow free).
A question is whether such rapid writes are in fact needed. We make
great use of the L1 cache write ports, but in terms of defeating
sub-block and S-box TMTO attacks we probably don't need the writes to be
this rapid. With the example settings above, we write 4x more data to
the S-boxes than to the output block (so we use 5x the current write
bandwidth overall). In other words, with 1 KB blocks (r=8) we fully
replace the 12 KB S-box contents per every 3 blocks written. To defeat
the sub-block TMTO attack it would probably be enough to write as much
data into the S-boxes as we write into the output block (although it
matters what data we write: how quick it is to recompute given what
other data, or vice versa), and to defeat TMTO attacks on the S-boxes
it'd probably be enough to overwrite and entangle the S-boxes just once
(yet do it early on).
Anyway, with this combination of settings performance on Haswell is same
or slightly better as before (e.g. 5% better for the 2 MB test), and
performance on Bulldozer is same or slightly worse than before (e.g. 8%
worse for the 2 MB test). This is without using AVX2. (These changes
should make AVX2 more of a help, which is both good and bad.)
I haven't tested that yet, but I think this will also work well for
using L2 cache with AVX2-optimized pwxform settings and implementation
on Haswell, where previously 64 KB worked well (would be 96 KB now).
Valid PWXrounds settings for this design are "a power of 2, plus 1", so
e.g. 2, 3, 5. This is to avoid having to check/mask the write offset
against the limit too frequently (can't hit the limit in most places),
and to skip the S-box write after the last round (which is followed by a
write to the block).
Option 2: since the above means introduction of "pwxform context"
anyway, it now becomes straightforward to add similar handling of a
larger S-box, targeting L2 cache. Reduce PWXrounds from 6 to 4,
introduce a third small S-box (thus, e.g. 8 KB to 12 KB total) like
above, and introduce a 128 KB S-box also including the smaller 3
S-boxes as its part. Have the rest of the larger S-box (beyond the
12 KB holding the smaller S-boxes) lazy-initialized during the main SMix
operation (keep the current bitmask in the pwxform context). Unlike the
above, perform only two S-box writes per sub-block: one write to the
currently inactive small S-box (which gets activated at next sub-block,
like above), and one write to the remainder of the large S-box. (This
means maintaining a sequential write offset for the larger S-box, and
masking it for writes to the smaller S-box.) These are the extra
actions in two of the four rounds. In two other rounds, the extra
actions are cache line sized random lookups against the large S-box.
Alternatively, random lookups against the large S-box are performed in
all four rounds, which Haswell manages but the other two CPUs not so
well. This looks something like:
r = EXTRACT64(X0) & m; \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X0, x0, s00, s01) \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X1, x1, s10, s11) \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X2, x2, s20, s21) \
X0 = _mm_add_epi64(X0, *(__m128i *)(S + r)); \
X1 = _mm_add_epi64(X1, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 16)); \
X2 = _mm_add_epi64(X2, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 32)); \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X3, x3, s30, s31) \
X3 = _mm_add_epi64(X3, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 48));
#define PWXFORM_ROUND_RW(Sw, w) \
r = EXTRACT64(X0) & m; \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X0, x0, s00, s01) \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X1, x1, s10, s11) \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X2, x2, s20, s21) \
X0 = _mm_add_epi64(X0, *(__m128i *)(S + r)); \
X1 = _mm_add_epi64(X1, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 16)); \
PWXFORM_SIMD(X3, x3, s30, s31) \
X2 = _mm_add_epi64(X2, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 32)); \
X3 = _mm_add_epi64(X3, *(__m128i *)(S + r + 48)); \
*(__m128i *)(Sw + (w)) = X0; \
*(__m128i *)(Sw + (w) + 16) = X1; \
*(__m128i *)(Sw + (w) + 32) = X2; \
*(__m128i *)(Sw + (w) + 48) = X3;
{ \
PWXFORM_X_T x0, x1, x2, x3; \
__m128i s00, s01, s10, s11, s20, s21, s30, s31; \
uint32_t r; \
PWXFORM_ROUND_RW(S2, w & Smask) \
w += 64; \
{ \
uint8_t * Stmp = S2; \
S2 = S1; \
S1 = S0; \
S0 = Stmp; \
} \
#define PWXFORM_END \
{ \
if (__builtin_expect(!(w & (w - 1)), 0)) { \
m |= w - PWXbytes; \
if (w == Sbytes) w = Sinit; \
} \
#define PWXFORM \
(PWXFORM_END may be skipped in places where it is known the condition
can't be true, such as on odd iterations of an unrolled loop.)
This requires attackers to either provide 128 KB of (semi-)local memory
per instance, or transfer that data off-chip. The latter approach would
increase the attack chip's external bandwidth needs by a factor of 2.5.
(We had 1 read and 1 write per block, so 2 total. Now we also have 2
reads and 1 write to the large S-box, so 5 total. In fact, in the
Haswell-enabled variation pasted above, it's 4 rather than 2 reads from
the large S-box, so 7 total, and a 3.5x increase.)
The choice of 128 KB is since it's how much L2 cache we have per thread
on many modern CPUs. Bulldozer could do more (1 MB L2 per "core"),
Knights Corner/Landing would probably need less (256 KB per 4 threads,
so 64 KB). 128 KB works great on Haswell, but is a few percent slower
than 64 KB on Sandy Bridge; I don't know exactly why (maybe something to
do with when L1 lines also have to be present in L2, although neither
CPU has L2 forcibly inclusive of L1, as far as I could find).
Haswell runs this so great that we could keep PWXrounds = 5 rather than
go for 4. Older CPUs sort of need 4.
Putting L2 cache to use while also doing smaller lookups from L1 is
great, but this has some drawbacks: a further reduction of PWXrounds
(where the move from 8 KB to 12 KB barely compensates for it in terms of
anti-GPU, and the reduction in multiplication latency hardening is only
maybe compensated for by L2 cache latency hardening), PWXrounds becomes
inflexible (it sort of has to be 4, or maybe 5 if we re-add one simple
pwxform round after these 4 rounds with extras), and overall this looks
specialized rather than elegant (even though it is still quite flexible
in terms of being able to tune the widths and sizes to fit a wide
variety of future devices).
So what do we prefer - the more elegant option 1 (with crazy frequent
S-box writes, because we can?) or the more extensive option 2?
As a more conservative alternative to either of these, it may also be
reasonable to keep PWXrounds at 6 while introducing the third small
S-box, with not-so-frequent writes, but this appears to run slightly
slower than the version with 5 rounds and the crazy writes. Given that
we can have the crazy writes for less performance cost than 1 round on
current CPUs, perhaps we should? Also, "one write per round" might be
more elegant than "one write after PWXrounds/2 rounds".
Introduction of the third S-box, besides being good for anti-GPU on its
own (1.5x larger total almost for free, except on Bulldozer-alikes), is
closely related to enabling the writes. Without it, the writes would
have to be to an S-box currently active for reads as well, which reduces
(defensive) implementation flexibility (in particular, it wouldn't let
register-starved architectures compute fewer lanes at once, only needing
to sync once per sub-block; allowing this is a deliberate design goal).
Sorry for the long message. I'd appreciate any comments, to any part of
the message (as I understand most of us wouldn't have time to comment on
the whole thing at once).